CAIRO - 25 November 2024: The National Committee for the Presidential Initiative for Women's Health has reached every village and every woman in the governorate where she lives instead as part of the presidential initiative for women's health in combating breast cancer. He further explained that there are presidential directives to localize medicines, especially cancer medicines, adding that the women's health initiative is a completely free initiative for all women, explaining that the experience of eliminating the hepatitis C virus helped us reach all women and we followed the same method, explaining that there are 3,500 health units covering all governorates across the republic. He explained that we reached all women and were able to reach a very large number of women thanks to the great cooperation between the private sector and the government. The conferencee was attended by the Swiss Ambassador to Cairo, Andreas Baum. The experiences of other countries were reviewed in the presence of a number of Arab and foreign journalists from Morocco, Libya, Algeria and Tunisia.