Planning Minister Hala el Saeed inaugurated on Thursday “Solutions Day” in the presence of Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli and with the participation of Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Environment Minister Yasmin Fouad and UN Climate Change High Level Champion Mahmoud Mohieldin. “Solutions Day” comes as part of COP 27 held in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh. Saeed pointed out to the reports of the intentional government authority concerned with climate change which asserted the importance of finding bold, ambitious and creative solutions to handle the climate change and achieve the goals of UN for climate change and Paris Agreement. The day will witness launching several important initiatives that include a group of sectors like garbage management, sustainable urban flexibility and sustainable urban transport, she said. “Solutions Day” tackles possible solutions to array of climate change challenges ranging from the holistic, cross cutting solutions such as greening of national budgets, or sustainable cities, multilevel action and sustainable transport, to sectoral solutions like waste management, alternatives to plastic and green building.