Palm City Residences, Tripoli, a luxury residential compound catering to many international companies and Embassies, has recently established an international standard Stray Cat Management Programme, implemented by Orkin Libya. The programme that Palm City has adopted is what is termed a TNR, or trap-neuter-return programme which involves the capture of the animals, performing a sterilization surgery on them so that they can no longer reproduce, and then returning them to the Palm City location. Debbie Hirst, Contracts Manager of Orkin Libya (and AmCham Libya President) said, “We were thrilled when Palm City reached out and asked for our support with their stray cat management programme. We know that Palm City strives to provide the highest quality experience to its guests, and managing the street cat issue is part of this. Morgan Azzopardi, Palm City Residences General Manager said, “We are committed to following European and international standards for all our guest services and the cat programme is no different.