CAIRO – 1 March 2024: The Supreme Authority for Palestinian Tribal Affairs in the Gaza Strip extended its thanks and appreciation to Egypt, Friday for its efforts in bringing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. Al-Masry appreciated the efforts of the Egyptian Red Crescent, which is ‘making redoubled efforts’ in providing and organizing the entry of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian peopleThe General Commissioner of the Tribes revealed that, through his communication with the concerned authorities in Egypt, he sensed that they were extremely keen and searching for all means in attempts to bring humanitarian aid and medical supplies to the people in the Gaza Strip. Al-Masry added that Egyptian efforts did not stop at supporting the rights of the Palestinian people in international forums and mobilizing international public opinion to support the Palestinian people. Rather, Egypt opened its doors to the passage of humanitarian and relief aid to the people of Gaza, victims of the criminal Israeli aggression, and provided about 80% of the aid directed to the people in Gaza along with establishing a number of camps to shelter the displaced, and field hospitals. Al-Masry confirmed that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip ‘highly appreciate the sincere Egyptian efforts’ to provide relief and shelter for the people in Gaza.

Source:   Egypt Today
March 01, 2024 21:30 UTC