Warning of imminent disaster in Kufra due to Sudanese refugees http://lyo.ly/5kkdOil Minister decries inability to resume his duties http://lyo.ly/5kkaTurkey welcomes Libya's voter registration for municipal elections, urges broad participation http://lyo.ly/5kk7Dbeibah extends condolences to Chadian president after deadly ammunition explosion http://lyo.ly/5kk6Libya blames foreign powers for ongoing crisis, demands end to interference http://lyo.ly/5kk0Libyan Basketball League enters its final stage http://lyo.ly/5kk1LFF reveals stadiums in which Libyan PL finals will be played http://lyo.ly/5kkcMinistry of Health to organize ‘Healthcare Forum and Exhibition’ http://lyo.ly/5kkbThree people and infant died in traffic accident in Al-Jufra http://lyo.ly/5kjsTwo bodies recovered on Sabratha coast http://lyo.ly/5kjrKoury discusses with Maltese ambassador support for political process in Libya http://lyo.ly/5kjpHNEC announces resumption of work of its calling center http://lyo.ly/5kjoReopening of Ras Jadir border crossing postponed to next Monday http://lyo.ly/5kjnKoury: There is consensus among Libyan people about the need to advance the political process, as the status quo is not sustainable http://lyo.ly/5kjmSudan's delegate to UN Security Council accuses Haftar and UAE of supporting Hemedti's forces http://lyo.ly/5kjkTwo migrant ships sank off Italy’s coast, one of them coming from Libya http://lyo.ly/5kjjAfriqiyah Airways announces pilgrim return flights http://lyo.ly/5kjhU.S. ambassador hails entrepreneurship training in Libya http://lyo.ly/5kjgPM Dbeibah mourns loss of former Warfalla Council head Al-Barghouthi http://lyo.ly/5kj8Saadawi: US elections, EU shifts to impact stalled Libyan crisis http://lyo.ly/5kj7

Source:   Libya Observer
June 21, 2024 15:27 UTC