A new European Space Agency (ESA) project to fight environmental crime and monitor illegal activities is now fully operational. The project, EO4Security, is dedicated to developing algorithms and application platforms designed to provide tools capable of delivering timely geoinformation on noncompliance with environmental regulations, such as illegal mining and irregular trafficking. e-GEOS, a joint venture between ASI and Telespazio, and part of Leonardo Group, and the primary contractor on the project, announced the project had gone live, Jan. 9. The project will rely on the complementarity of data from Earth Observation satellites with so-called open source intelligence (OSINT) data taken from the social media and other channels. Industrial subcontractors collaborating with e-GEOS on the project will include GAF (a company fully owned by e-GEOS), Hensoldt Analytics, Janes and Dhiria (a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano).

Source:   Libya Today
January 10, 2024 21:38 UTC