CAIRO - 11 April 2023: Manpower Minister Hassan Shehata announced Tuesday that next Monday will be considered a paid day off for private sector employees and civil servants, alike, on the occasion of Sham El-Nessim. Early in April, Egypt's Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli issued a decision declaring Monday 17 April an official paid holiday for public sector workers on the occasion of Sham El-Nessim. Madbouli's decisin applies to workers in ministries, government institutions, public agencies, local administration units, and public sector companies. Thousands of Egyptians annualy celebrate the Pharaonic festival of Sham El-Nessim that marks the beginning of spring in national parks and gardens. The name Sham El-Nessim or (inhaling the breeze) is derived from the Coptic language, which was derived from the ancient Egyptian language.

Source:   Egypt Today
April 11, 2023 21:58 UTC