Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna said on Sunday that the National Programme for Community, Human, and Local Development, ‘Your Project’ (Mashrouak) has contributed since its inception to the implementation of more than 200,000 projects with loans amounting to about EGP 25.6bn. According to the minister, Mashrouak is working in parallel to implement the ministry’s current plan to achieve the economic empowerment of Egyptian women, especially the breadwinners. Dakahlia came next with 16,200 projects, loans of EGP 1.9bn, and 147,000 job opportunities. Mashrouak also helped Sharqyea implement 15,700 projects with loans of EGP 2.4bn and created 178,500 job opportunities. This ensures the continuity and development of these projects in accordance with the variables of the Egyptian market.