The man and a woman glued themselves to Goya's “La Maja Vestida” (The Clothed Maja) and “La Maja Desnuda” (The Naked Maja), two of the Spanish painter's best-known works. The protesters, from a group calling itself Futuro Vegetal, also daubed “+1.5C” on the wall in black paint between the two paintings, in reference to the limit fixed by the 2016 Paris climate agreement on rising temperatures. Futuro Vegetal tweeted: "We glued ourselves to Goya's Las Majas in the Prado. Last week the UN recognised the impossibility of keeping us below the limit of 1.5 Celsius [agreed at the 2015 Paris climate agreement]." Representatives from nearly 200 countries will gather in Egypt next week for the COP27 climate change conference, as pressure for tougher action to tackle global warming grows.