(MENAFN) On Tuesday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) disclosed that a total of 80,000 illegal migrants have been voluntarily repatriated from Libya to their countries of origin since 2015 as part of the IOM's Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) program. Among the repatriated migrants, the group included 2,733 individuals identified as victims of human trafficking, 843 unaccompanied or separated children, and 5,144 migrants with medical requirements, as outlined in the statement. The repatriation process is designed to ensure that returning migrants receive post-arrival reception assistance in their respective countries of return. Additionally, the program offers comprehensive reintegration support through individual reintegration assistance packages, encompassing economic, social, and psychosocial support measures, as highlighted in the statement. "IOM Libya's staff work around the clock to assist vulnerable migrants in Libya who are in need of urgent protection assistance.

Source:   Libya Today
May 22, 2024 21:28 UTC