As more protesters took to the streets, Group of Seven (G7) nations wrapped up their three-day gathering on Sunday, vowing to escalate sanctions against Russia amid the Ukraine crisis. Following days of protests, hundreds of demonstrators from home and abroad on Sunday rallied against the G7 leaders’ communique and other documents adopted by the summit in Hiroshima, a city once devasted by US atomic bombing during World War II. Chanting slogans such as “No to War” and “Smash the G7 Hiroshima Summit,” they rallied along the main streets in Hiroshima, crowded by hundreds of riot police officers. “To summarize, it is never a peaceful summit,” Ryo Miyahara, head of a Hiroshima citizens’ group and the protest’s organizer, told Xinhua at the demonstration site. US President Joe Biden, on Sunday evening, announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth $375m after Biden and Zelensky met on the sidelines of the G7 summit.

Source:   Daily News Egypt
May 22, 2023 17:08 UTC