The Egyptian Exchange (EGX) decided Wednesday to stop the EGX50 EWI index, as of 1 August. Within the framework of the Egyptian Exchange’s direction towards permanent updating and continuous development of market indicators to ensure the diversification of tools for measuring market performance in front of different categories of investors, and within the framework of continuous review of current market indicators and studying the components of each of them and the extent of its uniqueness and uniqueness of its methodology from other indicators and studying the extent to which all elements of the market benefit out of every index, the Egyptian Exchange saw that the EGX50 EWI index is the least used. The Egyptian Exchange – desiring to know the opinion of all market elements – conducted an opinion poll for a group of 17 investment research centers, asset management companies and investment funds. It was clear from the results of the survey that the EGX50 EWI index is one of the least used indicators The survey revealed that they rarely use the index data or do not use it at all, at a rate of 94%, and most of them saw that it is the most appropriate index that the Egyptian Exchange can stop working with.

Source:   Daily News Egypt
July 27, 2023 20:52 UTC