The head of the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate, Osama Abdel-Hay, announced that the syndicate is contemplating regulating media appearance of its members, and setting rules for appearing on social media sites, especially live broadcasts. In statements to Al-Arabiya channel on Thursday, Abdel-Hay said that the syndicate cannot prevent its members from appearing on social media, but it is studying regulating the matter in a way that does not harm society. The Public Prosecution considered the video a disturbance to the public peace and security. A violation of patient privacyThe Public Prosecution Office in Kafr al-Dawar city in Beheira Governorate issued a decision on Tuesday to detain Shoaib for four days pending investigations. The prosecution charged the doctor with disturbing public security and peace, using social media to stir up confusion, insulting the masses and violating family principles and values.

Source:   Egypt Independent
November 15, 2024 19:42 UTC