November 2022: “On the occasion of the International Day for elimination of Violence against Women, Egypt made an unprecedented leap to promote women's rights emanating from a political will, and a genuine belief that protecting & empowering women is a national cause & an authentic human right,” said Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ahmed Abou Zeid in a tweet. On the occasion of the #International_Day_for_elimination_of_Violence_against_Women.Egypt made an unprecedented leap to promote women's rights emanating from a political will, and a genuine belief that protecting & empowering women is a national cause & an authentic human right. — Egypt MFA Spokesperson (@MfaEgypt) November 26, 2022Egypt was the first country worldwide that issued a policy paper on preserving women’s rights during the coronavirus pandemic, says head of the National Council of Women (NCW) Maya Morsy on 8 April 2021. Coronavirus pandemic could eradicate all efforts exerted in achieving gender equality, said Morsy in her speech at a human rights conference titled “Building a Post-Pandemic World...A Comprehensive Approach to Human Rights” and organized by the Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies (ECSS). Egypt was one of the first countries that provided financial and psychological support in the health system during the coronavirus pandemic, says of WHO Representative in Egypt Naeema Al-Gasseer.

Source:   Egypt Today
November 27, 2022 03:22 UTC