CAIRO- 20 May 2023: Egypt hosts nearly 8 million refugees from different countries and considers one of the countries that host the largest number of refugees in the world, especially in recent years, said Nevin Al-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity and Vice President of the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) on Saturday, in a press conference organized by the ERC. She called for more support for more relief, humanitarian and supply interventions, social protection and follow-up on the situation. The Egyptian Red Crescent announced that it received a support provided by the United Nations Development Program, funded by the European Union, with a total of 27 tons of urgent health care supplies to enhance the efforts of the Egyptian government on the southern borders for the Sudanese refugees, the Minister added. In addition, the European Union provided 200,000 euros to the Egyptian Red Crescent Society to assist people coming from Sudan to Egypt, said Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt, Ambassador Christian Berger in the press conference.