CAIRO – 1 June 2023: The Ministry of Social Solidarity revealed Wednesday a project to train women in Menya, Qena, and Luxor governorates on business management, and finance their micro enterprises. The value of the project is LE55,999,745, and it includes providing technical support, follow-up, supervision on the projects' implementation, and securing a headquarters for each of the enterprises. The beneficiaries will be women enrolled in the monetary subsidies programme Takaful w Karama so as 25,000 will be trained on business management, 2,250 on livestock farming, and 300 on handicrafts. Moreover, 8,750 will be micro-financed, and 1,000 livestock enterprises will be granted insurance. Further, 66 instructors will be qualified to deliver the training, and 110 workers will be prepared to carry out follow-up on the progress of the projects.