STAKEHOLDERS have expressed concern about malaria commodity accountability, staff attrition, and the need for improved data capture of women given intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in the state’s attempt to eliminate the disease. “PMI-supported facilities and state-supported health facilities had zero percent and 12 percent stock-out rates for mRDTs, as well as 2 percent and 17 percent stock-out rates for adult doses of ACTs. Availability of reporting tools should be prioritised; facility staff or logisticians don’t need to photocopy tools out of pocket. According to him, malaria is one of the most common diseases that take people to the hospital, and Oyo State’s malaria prevalence rate of about 20 percent was unacceptable. Dr Ayinde assured all partners working on malaria interventions of the state government’s continuous support and a conducive environment to operate.

Source:   Nigerian Tribune
March 14, 2024 02:00 UTC