Board of Investment reveals new project proposals rise 31% in Q1The Board of Investment (BoI) reported a 31% year-on-year surge in the value of new investment project proposals in the first quarter, tallying 228 billion baht, with electronics and electrical appliances the segment comprising the highest value. The rise in investment applications also resulted from the government's roadshows organised abroad to encourage foreign entrepreneurs to invest in Thailand, he said. From January to March this year, foreign direct investment rose 130% year-on-year, totalling 460 projects with a total investment value of 169 billion baht, up 16%. Singapore led with investment applications tallying 42.5 billion baht, followed by China with 34.7 billion, Hong Kong 26.6 billion, Taiwan 20.0 billion and Australia 17.2 billion. In the first quarter, the BoI approved 785 investment projects valued at 255 billion baht, marking a 6% increase year-on-year.