CAIRO – 20 February 2024: Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna revealed in a statement Tuesday that the Inspection and Follow-Up Sector had referred 1,184 employees at municipal authorities to investigation between September 2022 and February 2024. The breakdown is that 199 were referred to the Public Prosecution, 642 others to the Administrative Prosecution, and 343 were subjected to internal investigation. Minister Amna announced in July the conclusion of the 21st campaign of restoring state-owned lands from squatters and that was executed between April 19 and July 28. Although the number declined to 194,900 in 2015 and 176,100 in 2016, it went up again to 186,100 in 2017. That was the year President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi launched a nationwide campaign to remove encroachments on state-owned properties and constructions on agricultural lands.