Founders of MEDFEST-Egypt, Mina El Naggar and Khalid Ali, announced selecting director Yousry Nasrallah as the Head of Jury Members for the Short Film competition within the fifth edition of the forum. The jury members include producer Muhammad Taymour, actress/writer Tharaa Goubail, and Manal Al Swaisy, director of Festival International de Films de Femmes (Regards De Femmes) in Tunisia. Most recently, MEDFEST-Egypt has announced the extension of the submission period for short films about the theme ‘stigmatization’. MEDFEST-Egypt is a touring international short film forum that explores the human condition, from a well-being and health perspective It is the first of its kind in the MENA region. Founded in 2017 by Dr. Mina El Naggar and Dr. Khalid Ali, MEDFEST-Egypt is bridging the gap between films, medicine and Art.

Source:   Egypt Today
June 12, 2023 15:52 UTC